Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dick Cheney IS COMPLETELY Full of CRAP

Here is a petition alert that has been copied in its entirety. You may need to copy/paste the links, but definitely worth the effort!

Thanks for taking action.

Here are some ways you can spread the word to make sure Senator Harry Reid gets the message loud and clear.

If you are on Facebook, click here to post the petition to your Wall.

If you have a Twitter account, click here to automatically tweet:
Dick Cheney is full of crap, and we're building the world's biggest pile of crap in his honor. http://su.pr/1PwbCs #fullofcrap

You can also send the follow e-mail to your friends and family. Spreading the word is critical, but please only pass this message along to those who know you -- spam hurts our campaign.

Thanks for all you do.

--The CREDO Action Team

Here's a sample message to send to your friends:

Subject: Prosecute Dick Cheney for Perjury Dear Friend,

Dick Cheney is full of crap. And I'm helping build a movement to fight back, demand he's held accountable, and...build the world's biggest pile of crap in his honor. (No kidding)

Won't you join me, and help me build it?

Dick's full of crap. There's just no other way to explain his actions of the last few years, and it's time that he's held accountable for it. His lies may have led us to war, trashed the Constitution, and damaged America for years to come. And all evidence indicates that he is still intent on hiding the truth.

According to a recent New York Times article, discussing Cheney's interview with a special prosecutor investigating the "outing" of a secret CIA operative: "Cheney had displayed 'an astonishing inability to recollect even simple facts.'" And "Some of the assertions by Mr. Cheney in his interview with the prosecutor on May 8, 2004, appeared to conflict with testimony at the 2007 trial of his chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby Jr."

It's time we learn the truth.

Visit right now, sign the petition, and join me in calling for a full investigation of Vice President Cheney for perjury, and for him to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if he is found guilty.


For each signature we get, we will literally donate one heaping pile of crap in his honor. For real. But don't worry -- it's good crap. In fact, it's top quality manure, that we will be donating to farmers in developing countries, to use as fertilizer. So you can make a point and do some good at the same time, just by signing the petition.

Visit right now, sign the petition, and join me in calling for a full investigation of Vice President Cheney for perjury, and for him to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if he is found guilty.

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